Post Card and Direct Mail

TPSi delivers absolutely gorgeous postcards that sell! Stunning print quality, great design and a focused target audience will transform your direct mail. All you need to get started is:

  1. Design (yours or we can help create one)

  2. List (yours or we can procure one for you)

  3. Payment (we don’t do this for free, you know)

It’s that simple.

Give us a call at 1-800-422-9622 x11. Let’s get you started today.


Once we get final approval on your project of up to 10,000 cards, we’ll turn it in 1 or 2 business days with the lowest USPS presort discounts available. Larger jobs and custom print jobs are always welcome and process quickly on our HP Indigo presses. Need more info to make your decision? Scroll on down the page.

Most companies have a “spray and pray” approach to direct mail. Large geographic areas are blanketed in hopes that a few pieces will hit at the right time, at the right place, with the right person.

At TPSi, we take a lot of the guesswork out of direct mail marketing, and actually encourage our customers to send FEWER pieces, with a focused message, to an audience with a higher probability of response. That drives the bottom line and increases ROI!

Here are just a few of the ways we can help:

Targeted Audience: purchase a list based on age, income, location, education, propensity to respond to direct mail offers, employment demographic or children in the home – just to name a few.

Customer Match: these lists look at your existing customer base across 25+ categories, and returns a list of matching prospects from your geographic search area. Talk about ready-made customers!

Variable Maps: Opening a new location or have an out-of-the-way location that’s hard to find? We can literally drive customers from their driveway to your front door by printing custom drive line maps on each and every piece of mail.

Cross media/Trans promo: Include QR codes, barcodes and augmented reality printing to connect to other media sources and broader marketing campaigns.

Personalization: Everyone likes to be addressed as an individual. Why not use their name in a greeting line or on an attached coupon?

Creative Content: We offer professional creative services to help your message get noticed! Good design will help focus content and make good use of white space. Exceptional full color printing on our HP Indigo press will make your piece pop! Limited time offers and coupons will bring customers to you, not the competition. Let us show you how to make your direct mail stand out in the crowd.

Powerful Composition Software: Is your year starting to spin thinking you have to be a design guru to pull this off? Banish the thought! Our award winning Dialogue by Exstream™ software, coupled with our HP Indigo press muscle, can handle even the most difficult features (such as variable maps, pictures, graphs and charts), with ease! All we need are the parts. Our software does the rest.

Some of our customer results using variable maps:

  • A 20-fold increase in expected foot-traffic for a credit union opening a new location.

  • A 26% (!) response rate over a 2 month period for a new restaurant location – along with a new, local customer base.

Let TPSI take the “spray and pray” out of your next direct mail project.

Give us a call at 1-800-422-9622 x11 or locally, Call 918-254-9622 x11